Today, we are going to talk about one of my all time favorite show. SUITS! God do I love that show and I know I really shouldn’t! Still, I can’t stop and it is utterly perfected and am getting excited just thinking about it…and exasperated. Harvey and Mike tend to do that to you.
Anyway, a summery. Suits is a show about lawyers. Harvey is a senior partner is a high profile law firm. Mike is a college dropout with eidetic memory that takes tests for money. Anyway, things happen and somehow Harvey ends up hiring Mike because he likes Mike’s spunk (though he won’t admit it) and he sees a bit of himself in the young man. The only problem is that the law firm only hires graduates from Harvard and Mike did not graduate from college, no less Harvard. But he fakes it til he makes it and his situation brings an appropriate mix of tension throughout the series. Other important characters include Donna: Harvey’s secretary, Jessica: the managing partner and Harvey’s boss, Louis: another partner that is Harvey’s frenemy, and Rachel: Mike’s love interest.
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